

Booking Options

Neutral Mediation offers flexible rates and scheduling options, with session availability during evenings throughout the week and all day on weekends. Book by the hour, or schedule a flat-rate negotiation coaching or mediation session.

Mediation costs are customarily split by participants and prices are shown here per individual participant.

Half-daily rates include as many as four hours in a session. Daily rates include up to eight hours in session. Full-day and evening half-day sessions can go up to two hours beyond their scheduled four-hour time period for a maximum of ten and six hours per day in session, respectively, not including meal breaks.

The meditation session will, by default, take place virtually via secure Zoom meetings. Optionally, it may also take place in any neutral location agreed upon by the two parties, according to the travel policy detailed below.


$175 per hour per individual (one-hour minimum). $400 per individual for a half-day session, and $750 per individual for a full-day session.

All rates include review and prep time, complimentary snacks, and a stipend for mid-session meals for full-day engagements and half-day evening sessions that run long. Extraordinary expenses, such as extra hours or travel and parking, are not included and invoiced at the standard hourly rate. Invoiced charges are to be split by the parties and paid within fourteen days. Financing fees apply for late payments.

There is no refund for sessions that reach resolution early.

Lunch & Dinner Breaks

Full-day sessions receive lunch. A one-hour break and $20 Door Dash gift card will be provided to each participant as a lunch stipend. Evening half-day sessions that go beyond their scheduled period will receive a $20 Door Dash gift card as a dinner stipend. All non-Volunteer training engagements also include a lunch or dinner stipend.

Travel Policy

Neither travel expenses nor travel time is part of the regular hourly rate, which applies only to virtual settings. Travel time and extraordinary expenses are billed to clients in addition to the relevant rate for on-site mediation, negotiation, consulting, or training services.

How to Book

While it's possible to simply sign up for an available time using our handy scheduling tool, and this makes sense for many negotiation sessions, for mediation the recommended first step in booking an engagement is for the initiating party to schedule a consultation to discuss the process, gauge the mediator's style and determine if it makes sense to work together. If the requesting party chooses to proceed, they will then typically fill out a Request for Mediation Form. Neutral Mediation will then engage the other party and, if the other party also chooses to go forward with mediation, individuals will be asked to fill out a Participant Information Form and Mediation Information & Assessment Questionnaire, and sign a Mediation Disclosure Notification and Confidentiality Agreement. Once the paperwork is completed for all individuals, the parties will be notified of the session time, date, and location via a Mediation Engagement Letter. At least two weeks before the engagement they will submit any necessary documentation via a Materials Submission Form.

Cancellation & Rescheduling

A session, training or can be rescheduled for a flat $175 fee any time up until seven calendar days before the scheduled engagement. Neutral Mediation does not consider a training or mediation session as scheduled until all parties complete the required paperwork and pay their participation fees, after which a Mediation Engagement Letter is sent out, by request, to all parties. Clients can reschedule a partially-scheduled mediation for a fee, up until seven calendar days before the engagement date.

Neutral Mediation reserves the right to withdraw from an engagement at any time, for any reason, and in that case, will refund all payments. Otherwise, there are no refunds for cancellation. Neutral Mediation will make every effort to engage all relevant (and requested) decision-makers to convene a mediation; however, if a would-be participant requests mediation aspirationally without prior consent from other requested participants, their booking costs will not be refunded even if the opposing party declines to mediate.


Mediation Consultation
A brief, typically one- to four-hour virtual session of mediation or conflict coaching.

Half-Day Mediation Session
A half-day of mediation or conflict coaching, typically four hours.

Full-Day Mediation Session
A full-day of mediation or conflict coaching, typically eight hours.

Mediation Training
Eight hours of beginning mediation training and practice in a virtual setting.

Advanced Mediation Training
Sixteen hours of advanced mediation training in a virtual setting.

Executive Mediation Training
Eight hours of intensive mediation training and practice with an audience of eight or fewer.


A brief, typically one-hour, session of negotiation preparation.

Half-Day Negotiation Session
A half-day of interactive negotiation coaching, typically four hours.

Speaking Engagement
Max four-hour event appearance with a one-hour professionally-relevant presentation on negotiation.

Negotiation Training
Eight hours of beginning negotiation training and practice in a group setting.

Advanced Negotiation Training
Sixteen hours of advanced negotiation training in a virtual setting.

Executive Negotiation Training
Eight hours of intensive negotiation training and practice with an audience of eight or fewer.

Other Costs

Neutral Mediation will come to you when you reimburse travel time and incidentals.

Miscellaneous Expenses
Lodging, parking and other per-approved incidental mediation expenses are split among participants and billed to customers directly.

Neutral Mediation offers free mediation training to community volunteers. See our Training Request Form for eligibility requirements and to sign up.

More Information